High Quality, Full Color
  ColorWorx provides the quality, full color printing you expect at an affordable price.  
Quick Turnaround
  Most orders ship in 3-5 working days or less from receipt of acceptable artwork/disk.  
Standard Printing
  All standard ColorWorx products are printed in 4-color process only. All PMS colors in files will be automatically converted to CMYK process equivalents. Be aware this can cause a slight color shift.  
Color Matching
  ColorWorx is a "gang run" style print company. Your job will be run on a press sheet with other jobs and will be run to standard color densities. The overall dominant color on a sheet may cause individual job colors to shift slightly. We make every effort to produce a reasonable representation; however, ColorWorx, like all other gang run commercial printers, does not guarantee an exact color match.  
  We're proud of the work we do. And if we don't do it right, we'll make it right. Period.


  • ColorWorx® products are sold only through qualified dealers.
  • Copyright © 2019 ColorWorx® - a product line of Admore®. All rights reserved.    |    24707 Wood Court    |    Macomb, MI 48042    |    800-622-2814    |    sales@colorworxprint.com